
Using UserLibrary – getting put into EAR

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  • #281556 Reply


    In my project, I went into properties –> Java Build Path –> Libraries –> Add Library…

    Then I added a User Library.
    I thought when you specified a library that it is not supposed to deploy it in the ear. However it is which is causing errors.

    What simple thing am I forgetting?

    Thanks for your help.

    #281559 Reply


    OKay let me step this problem back to the root issue.

    The root of the problem is that I am trying to step into a JBoss server file so that I can debug some security setup issues, but since this is a server jar file I can’t have it put in the ear. I can’t attach the source to debug unless I have the jar file attached to the project in some way.

    I do have other libraries that I do want included in my ear, so I can’s just uncheck the MyEclipse –> Java Enterprise Project –> Web Project –> Deployment (tab) –> “Jars in Web Project’s user libraries” setting.

    Any suggestions on the best way to attach a jar file to a project that you want to debug into but that you don’t want ultimatly in your projects ear?

    #281563 Reply

    Loyal Water

    There are a couple of things that you can try here:-
    1. You can create a Java Project that defines the JAR and exports it, then uncheck that option in the deployment tab.

    2. Go to Window > Prefs > MyEclipse > Project Capabilities and you can add your server JAR with the source to one of the project capabilities that your already using in the project, then setup a deployment exclusion rule for a particular app server. (To setup a deployment exclusion rule for an app server you need to expand the jar in your capabilities window, select the last option that says “Server Deployment Excludes” and edit it to add an app server )

    Neither are pretty, but they should work.

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