
Validation Errors

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  • #605836 Reply


    So it turns out that the HTML quote problem mentioned earlier is still a problem. Rather than delve into the thread’s history, my HTML files generate warnings like this:

    The value of attribute [ (click) ] must be in double quotes. app.component.html /ui/src/app line 2 CodeMix Validation

    The local standard is to use single quotes, and so this issue generates warnings across my entire codebase and eventually masks any real issues in the problems view.

    Clearing the markers manually and performing a rebuild of the project doesn’t regenerate them–which is why I thought the issue was resolved–but they reappear when I open a HTML file.

    The previous recommendations referred to configuration issues with tslint.json; but I don’t think it’s relevant–tslint doesn’t run on HTML files, does it?

    Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a), Build id: 20180405-1200+
    Codemix CI 2018.11.26
    Angular 7.0.4

    How do I reconfigure CodeMix to respect the single quote standard, or alternatively shut down this rule entirely?


    #605837 Reply


    In your HTMLHints configuration, you can adjust various settings for HTML validation. I believe the one you are looking for is attr-value-double-quotes and set it to false.


    You can access this from Preferences > CodeMix > Settings and open the settings.json to then tailor to the htmlhint configuration.

    Please let us know if this helps!

    #605845 Reply


    Thanks, Tim, that clears the warnings permanently.

    Where does this settings.json file live, if I wanted to put it under source control? From the root of my source tree, which includes the workspace:

    find . -name 'settings.json' -exec ls -al {} \;
    -rw-r--r--  1 rjb  staff  3 Nov 24 10:12 ./ui/.vscode/settings.json

    …based on the size, it’s obviously not this one.

    #605865 Reply


    Roger, you should be able to find it in <workspace>/.metadata/codemix.code-workspace though it does have other aspects in it like folders registered with the engine that are transient. If interested, we could look at an enhancement request to allow settings to potentially come from another file.

    #605868 Reply



    imo, allowing these settings to be managed makes the whole team thing a lot simpler; I’m a fan of clone-and build and less a fan of clone-build-and-then-manually-configure-your-ide. I know I can script replacing this file if I had to (now that I know where it is), but it’s not where I’d rather spend my time.

    Thanks for the followup,

    #605870 Reply


    Fair point — let me log a card to track this request as it does make good sense.

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