
web service notification

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  • #273993 Reply



    I’m a newbie of web service, and I want to know how can we develope a web service with notification in Myeclipse? Is this function availble in today’s version Myeclipse? If not, can some one give me some directions to the WSN? Thanks.


    #274056 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Hi Wei,
    Im not sure what “Web Service Notification” is. Can you give me some more detials on this.

    #274087 Reply


    Hi Nipun,
    I’m developing a web service which will inform the clients when for example the value of a variable change, the client will be automatically informed, just something like the notification system in Java (subscription,lisenter,notification). I’ve found some definitions for the web service notification by OASIS

    The purpose of the Web Services Notification (WSN) TC is to define a set of specifications that standardise the way Web services interact using “Notifications” or “Events”. They form the foundation for Event Driven Architectures built using Web services.

    These specifications provide a standardized way for a Web service, or other entity, to disseminate information to a set of other Web services, without having to have prior knowledge of these other Web Services. They can be thought of as defining “Publish/Subscribe for Web services”.

    Have you some idea about it? Thanks.


    #274088 Reply


    But i’m not sure that’s what I want. Because WSN is a system of notification between web services, and what I want is just notification server-client (client who use jsp for emaple) . But that’s the only thing I found about “notification in web service”.

    #274122 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    Wei I’m sorry, unfortunately my knowledge of Web Services is fairly basic, and it looks like you are hoping to design a notification mechanism… I just don’t have experience enough doing this to offer up any help.

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