
WebWork Support

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  • #250828 Reply



    I see lots of requests to support “Framework X” and we all know that there is a billion java frameworks… however, since WebWork joined with Struts and will become their Action 2 framework (Struts Ti I think is the name), maybe you could add support for WebWork 2?


    #250929 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Our support for frameworks moving forward are always user based. If our users demand it, we will do it.

    #250957 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    I know your development is user based, that is why I posted this on the forum, I am hoping that others will join me in asking for WebWork support (as I noted some have in the past)! 🙂


    #251031 Reply

    Carl Hall

    I’d also like to add my request for WebWork. I’m currently working with my company’s core engineers to bring WebWork into the fold of our product offerring. With a tool like MyEclipse, we could definitely move faster. I’d love to suggest MyEclipse for our java dev staff (80-90 devs and growing).

    #251032 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If your company was willing to purchase that many licenses as a way of funding that development, we could certainly discuss options available. This is how a lot of our features have been implemented, a company will come to us and demand a new functionality be added and effectively fund this effort by purchasing an appropriate amount of features (appropriate meaning in relation to the size of the feature requested).

    #251033 Reply

    Carl Hall

    We’re currently working up a proof of concept w/ WebWork. Once we have the buy-in from mgmt (Q3-Q4 2006), we’ll be able to make a decision for tooling. I will be sure to keep MyEclipse in front of them as a means of streamlining development. How should we go about contacting you guys once we decide to move forward w/ MyEclipse if we’d also like to put in for WebWork extensions?

    #251053 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Contacting subscriptions@genuitec.com can get you in contact with the appropriate people to discuss that with. We do appreciate you and your company considering us as part of your strategy moving forward.

    #251632 Reply


    +1 on Webwork.

    #253692 Reply


    Our company will need support on webwork too (and the version that is going to be struts action 2). We have 10 linceses and subscriber is <snipped out subscriber ID>. Also, plus my personal use lincese, does that count as 11 votes? ha

    But seriously, if myeclipse can have webwork(struts action2) support, it will be great.

    #253693 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    That definately counts as 11 votes. The demand rate for WebWork and even SA 2 is fairly low right now compares to JSF and improved Struts 1.x support. But if you think back to when we added Struts support, it took a while for people to move ontop of the platform then demand support for it, so I imagine the same thing will happen here. Some sort of critical mass will hit then we will add it.

    It’s just financially too risky to add features preemptively before the user demand is there, when you consider for development/support/updates/fixes a big feature can cost upwards of $100k to create.

    #260853 Reply


    I like webwork too, but we need a good tools like MyEclipse ! +1

    #261570 Reply


    Another +1 for Webwork, though SA2 would be fine as well. We have migrated from Struts 1.x to webwork and plan on shifting to SA2 in the 18-24 month range.

    #261667 Reply


    +1 for WebWork…

    #268290 Reply

    My company is doing a lot of webwork dev too. None of ur IDEs have a variety of features which includes webworks.
    I am the MyEclipse guy here. Would love it if there is a feature.

    #268742 Reply


    I’m also developing using the Webwork framework and MyEclipse with WW support would be fabulous.

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