
When can we expect 3.8 GA release of MyEclipse

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  • #211979 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Getting closer… testing a new build this morning, stabalizing nicely!

    #212104 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    For those interested, the “word” is that 3.8 GA should be on the servers today (8/16/2004). Using history as a guide, I’d say late in the day / night is a better bet than earlier. By the way, that’s a Texas (CDT) night so your local night may vary. 😉

    Also, since we eliminated several plugins, including the “mod’ed” versions of the eclipse debug plugins, the release won’t be available via the update site since there’s no way to “uninstall” plugins, only update them that way.

    To be notified when the release is available, please be sure to sign up for the Newsletter, available throough the home page or through this link ([url]http://www.myeclipseide.com/pnTresMailer+main.html[/URL]). Although called a ‘Newsletter’, I don’t recall us ever sending one that wasn’t tied to a new release, so you don’t get bombarded with junk or anything.[/url]

    #212108 Reply


    @support-scott wrote:

    For those interested, the “word” is that 3.8 GA should be on the servers today (8/16/2004). Using history as a guide, I’d say late in the day / night is a better bet than earlier. By the way, that’s a Texas (CDT) night so your local night may vary. 😉

    Brilliant! Thanks for the update!


    #212141 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    One last update: the final builds have just been promoted to the download area so it’s simply a matter of the web guys hooking up hte links. Should be really soon now.

    #212145 Reply


    must…. keep…. breathing….

    #212146 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    The links are hot and I’ve already seen a handful of downloads. I’m sure one of them was yours. 😉

    Hope you all enjoy the new release!

    #212148 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    must…. keep…. breathing….

    This made me laugh outloud!

    #212192 Reply

    Nabil Suleiman

    well, what can I say.. EXCELLENT!

    it keeps getting better and better, THANK YOU ME team 🙂

    #212218 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Thank you for the kind words. We actually like this release the best too. 🙂

    #212226 Reply


    Many thanks guys!

    Downloaded it yesterday… and am setting it up today.


    #212383 Reply

    James Ots

    Awesome, thanks!

    Of all the commercial software packages I’ve used, this is the one I check on most regularly for updates, as I know there are always new cool features on the way. And at that price, I’m going to be getting a few more licences very soon.

    #212459 Reply


    I’ll 2nd the prior post. It’s not just the many updates though that keeps me coming back, but the fact that you guys are so responsive to people’s questions. Thanks.

    #212462 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Guys we really appreciate the support and just a quick reminder that we have logged all those PIA bugs that people found in this release (sorry about that!) and will get a quick fix release out here soon to take care of you guys.

    #212470 Reply

    Congrats on this latest release! Was time for me to renew my subscription, which I happily did, and at work we are all getting licences for it shortly 🙂

    #212477 Reply

    Brice Ruth

    Quick question – will 2.8 GA be following close on the heels of the 3.8 GA release?

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