
Write occurrences color parameter is lost

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  • #610000 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    I’m afraid this bug did not receive much attention because of our inability to reproduce it. We’ve raised its priority and will now be taking another look at in the next few days.

    If we have additional questions, we’ll post them here. We appreciate your patience, and thank you for asking.

    #610390 Reply


    We have a release of DevStyle scheduled to go out late next week and this is slated to be fixed in it. Most other cards are already ready but this one has been a bit squirrelly to get to the bottom of.

    Fingers crossed – seems we are close.

    #610391 Reply


    We have a release of DevStyle scheduled to go out late next week and this is slated to be fixed in it. Most other cards are already ready but this one has been a bit squirrelly to get to the bottom of.

    Fingers crossed – seems we are close.

    Hi @timwebb, we are all fellow programmers here, so we completely empathize with you. Eclipse is where I spend 8 hours a day everyday and I have come to greatly appreciate how DevStyle has made my work day more enjoyable. While this may seem like a minor issue, I can tell you that having it fixed will be a big deal to me given that I may open and close Eclipse several times a day in order to swap projects and having to reset my beloved colors each and every time has become wearisome. All of that say, I really appreciate your attention to this issue.

    #610394 Reply


    So @mbooker

    I thought I had a handle on what may be wrong but I haven’t reproduced here. Could you do me a solid and share some preference files at three different states?

    In your workspace directory, you will find .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/

    Please Zip and send me those files at each of these points:

    1. Just before fixing the color you want to change
    2. Just after fixing the color
    3. The files after restarting Eclipse

    And of course, please let me know what preference you changed! (Should be obvious but just to be sure)

    #610395 Reply


    I should clarify — step 3 I meant Exit and then a new Launch, as apparently that’s how it shows up.


    #610398 Reply


    @timwebb, here are my settings per your request. I changed the following:

    General > Editors > Text Editors > “Current line highlight”
    General > Editors > Text Editors > “Selection foreground color”
    General > Editors > Text Editors > “selection background color”
    General > Editors > Text Editors > “Background color”
    General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > “C/C++ Occurrences”
    C/C++ > Editor > “Inactive code highlight” is one that I typically change as well, but forgot to this time.

    I have the following option selected:
    Use enhanced DevStyle Themes: checked
    Use the Startup Experience: checked
    Workbench theme: Dark Gray (Darkest Dark)
    Icon colors: Pastels
    Editor theme: Darkest Dark
    Theme background: unchecked
    Force colors: unchecked
    Enable breadcrumb: checked
    My styling shortcut is Af7-Rw

    I hope that helps!

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    #610406 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    @mbooker, we are still having a bad time replicating this issue at our ends (similar installations and editing the exact same prefs). It would be really helpful if you are able to install CodeMix just to get access to Live Chat with us (allowing us to get more useful information live).

    If you cannot do that, it would be also helpful if you update your DevStyle installation to our preview update which contain a few flags we included to debug this issue.

    To install preview build:

    1. Add the following line to Eclipse/configuration/config.ini
    2. Restart Eclipse
    3. An update will be detected (see progress view) when the update is done, restart Eclipse.

    If it doesn’t update automatically try the following:
    1. Go to help > Install New Software
    2. Use this site: http://www.genuitec.com/updates/devstyle/prerelease/
    3. Select DevStyle (for update) and continue the wizard

    After you update. Please edit config.ini again and add this line:
    Then restart eclipse and do what you usually do to replicate the issue: edit the same prefs, then restart and make sure yoy got back to defaults. And share to us your workspace log file at workspace/.metadata/.log

    Thank you again!
    Aaron Lara

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Aaron Lara.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Aaron Lara.
    #610460 Reply


    @aaronlonin, I have installed DevStyle version, added the debug line to my config file, and followed the steps listed above per your request. Attached is my .log file.

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    #610462 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Thank you very much! We are taking it a look. I will let you know our findings.

    #610476 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Great! It was really helpful. We managed to find and fix a bug thanks to this information, but we are not sure if that will just fix this issue. We included a couple more tracing logs. Mind just updating your install to today’s build and try again? And share your new log after you replicate the issue.

    Aaron Lara

    #610487 Reply


    I am now currently using I was initially hopeful after the upgrade restart my colors seemed to stick, but after a full close and re-open, they reverted back. Attached is the new log file.

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    #610489 Reply


    Could you please confirm if you are still running with diagnose.prefs in your config.ini file?

    I don’t see the extra tracing messages in the log.

    #610493 Reply


    I believe I am. Take a look at the last line of my config file.

    #610494 Reply


    I had to rename the INI file.

    #610495 Reply


    One more time…

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