
Write occurrences color parameter is lost

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  • #610497 Reply


    If you were able to temporarily install the CodeMix plug-in, this may be easier over live chat 🙂

    I don’t know if you meant to include an attachment? If you had the pref enabled, we would still get messages that start with TRACING but not seeing any in your latest log — either because it was truncated, note first message says This is a continuation of log file C:\src\.metadata\.bak_1.log or because of the missing flag.


    #610498 Reply


    Yikes! What happened the Breadcrumb? It is not visible anymore in the workspace and I cannot see the option in Preferences.

    #610499 Reply


    Well… as Eclipse has moved to having in-editor breadcrumbs, the breadcrumb toolbar redundant. Are you developing something other than Java? Do you have the Java one turned off as you don’t like it?

    It’s possible we can still leave it included, but we strive to cut technical debt when we can.

    Did you have any luck finding TRACING entries in the log?

    #610518 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Thank you so much for catching up with us in Live Chat. All those logs helped us getting a potential fix (fingers crossed). Can you give it one more try? Update DevStyle and make sure it works.

    In case it still fails, it would be great if you can send us your new logs again. We added a few more messages to help tracking this.

    Thanks Again!
    Aaron Lara

    #610519 Reply


    Well, @aaronlonin and @timwebber I have updated per your request and you will be happy to know that there will not be any need to send you any log files! It’s fixed! Woot! At the end of the day – it’s just colors on my screen, but you have made me happy. Thank you guys for your resolve and dedication to see that this issue got thoroughly squashed. It is much appreciated. Thanks again.

    #610520 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Holly Molly! Those are awesome news! Thanks again for helping us on this. Specially being friday and all :D. DevStyle is loved thanks to people like you who help us making it better every release. A lot of people will be happy to get this fix in our soon to come release (next week).

    Have an awesome weekend!
    Aaron Lara

    #610523 Reply


    Just for your edification, here are my log files.

    P.S. Don’t forget about the breadcrumb for us lowly CDT users! 😉

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    #610525 Reply


    Thanks! Regarding Breadcrumb — your visceral reaction to it’s absence has convinced me that we should keep it in. We’ll simply change the default for new users to have it off, but you’ll still be able to use it at the level you have in the past.

    Thanks again for all the help getting to the bottom of the preference issue. In short, in your Eclipse setup, the startup events fire in a slightly different order than for most users. We haven’t been able to track down why but we were able to protect our initialization logic to work correctly regardless of which entry point is hit first.

    A fun one for sure!! As expected, it took man days of work to get to the bottom of what was a two line fix. :facepalm:

    Have a great weekend.

    #610526 Reply


    @timewebb, LOL!!! It is only because I am a fellow programmer that I can relate so heartily to such a wickedly simply little fix that eludes us for days or weeks on end. I have literally become so dependent on the breadcrumb in my normal workflow that I feel like I have taken a step back into the caveman days without it. Also, could you lengthen the number of visible files in the list? Ask not, want not!

    #610527 Reply


    /me has left for the weekend.


    #610634 Reply


    Hey, happy Monday!

    So took a quick look at adding more entries to the list and it seems like we are just getting this content from standard content providers made available from other parts of Eclipse.

    Would there be any chance you @mbooker could share a quick sample project that exemplifies the issue, with screenshot and steps to reproduce? We have a release going out this week so are down to the wire on timing to get this in.

    No promises but if the steps are obvious, we have a better shot of getting this in.


    #610697 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    @mbooker, I’m pleased to let you know we got a fix for the BreadCrumb to display more children on screen. You can update DevStyle to today’s preview build.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Aaron Lara.
    #610761 Reply


    @aaronlonin, The most current release appears to be most excellent! The color parameter fix and extra breadcrumb children are greatly appreciated. Anything to eliminate frustration throughout the day and to reduce superfluous clicks! Thank you guys for listening to us. Listening to our customers is what makes our product so successful and clearly you guys have the same philosophy. Keep up the great work – your fellow programmers appreciate it!

    #610763 Reply



    Once again, thank you for the kind words on DevStyle – we love the fact that you’re getting so much out of the plugin!

    I’m grabbing this opportunity to ask whether you would mind providing a quote for DevStyle? We can use the message that you already sent us, or you could provide a fresh quote if you prefer.

    If you agree, do you also mind providing your last name, position and / or company so that we could use it in the quote?


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