- This topic has 15 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 9 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Ivar VasaraMemberIt would be nice if the XML editor had the same appearance settings as the JSP editor. (ie: show overview ruler, show line number, etc.)
- characters to entities toggle (selected text)
- when cursor is in a tag, the matching opening/closing tag should be highlighted
- when “</” is typed, the most recent open tag should appear (autocompleted)
note that these features would be useful for JSP editing as well..
I use so much XML/XSL/XSD in my apps, I needed better support, sorry to say, I went out and bought the oXygen XML plugin. There is a free 30 day eval… it also does “pretty reformat”, and validation against a DTD or XSD, with XML catalog support, XPath searches in your document, etc. Nice tool, $79 I think…
support-michaelKeymasterXML editor improvements have been on our TODO list since the 1st release. The next release of MyEclipse will provide improved XML editing capability, mainly code completion, local DTD use and caching. We will systematically improve its features over the next few months to include XSD and XPath-lets.
For ivar, I have entered an enhancement request for the close tag feature. Presently the JSP editor will volunteer a </mytag> if you don’t type an opening ‘</’.
Thanks for the feedback.
MyEclipse SupportJust look at all the features of oXygen, thats what I want!!! ( actually, I didn’t pay for oXygen personally, the Co. I work for did, but I did buy my own copy of MyEclipseIde 🙂 )
A REALLY REALLY nice XSD designer would ROCK!!! Then, one click away from Castor code generation, booyah!!!
Ivar VasaraMember@ivar wrote:
It would be nice if the XML editor had the same appearance settings as the JSP editor. (ie: show overview ruler, show line number, etc.)
Not having line numbers for the XML editor is a major hassle. Could you slip that in X.7 ?
Scott AndersonParticipantNot having line numbers for the XML editor is a major hassle. Could you slip that in X.7 ?
OK, just for you we’ll put it into 2.7/3.7.
We’ll even kick in print margin and current line highlighting and a bit of content assist. 🙂Seriously, you’ll LIKE the new editor in the next release.
MyEclipse Support
nitehawkMemberOK, just for you we’ll put it into 2.7/3.7.
I am on 3.8.4 and either the feature isnt there or I cannot find it. I really really need line numbers in just about every editor. (impossible to use the w3c css validator if you dont know what line your errors are on) As it stands I spend alot of time pressing ctrl-l to find out line numbers, and it is a serious pain.
It would be easier if the MyEclipse editor settings inherited from the Eclipse ones, but considering the rate at which they change things around that is probally impossible.
Riyad KallaMembernitehawk:
Window > Prefs > MyEclipse > Editors > Common Editor Preferences > “Show Line Numbers”
nitehawkMemberOops, Im retarded.. diddnt see the common preferences. So thats where all the useful settings are!
wobbetMemberOne thing that I would like in the XML/HTML/JSP editor is the ability to collapse sections in the same way that I can collapse code sections in the Eclipse Java editor.
In HTML/JSP I would like to be able to collapse Lists, Tables, Table Rows so that I don’t see their entire contents just like I collapse a comment section or import section or entire method in the Java editor.
When editing XSD files (I’ve never used Relax or Schematron but I imagine they would be similar) I would like to be able to collapse a complex or simple type definition.
Riyad KallaMemberCode folding is a file enhancement.
fsamlandMemberIn case of my growing work with XSL and XML files I thought if it possible to have a built in xslt processor(e.g. xalan) to apply stylsheets to xml files and having a preview to the result within myeclipse.
andylMemberI would like to see “filters” for the xml outline, e.g. if I edit well-formed jsp file, I could say “show only jsp includes” + ” show scriplets” or “hide all html tags” etc. This is just like filters for the java methods outline works.
@ivar wrote:
It would be nice
… characters to entities toggle (selected text)…You could try to use AnyEdit tools plugin which add this (and some more) functions to any text editor.
Thomas SMETSMemberThe formatting is cool as I tend to now force it in a sensible way accross the project but … having the html/xml/xhtml (jsp, …) formatting to allow multiple strategies should be important…
Here are a few that should be available to the users. The character ^ virtualizes the end of line
1. None
Eventhoug the line maximum length is reached there is no folding within tags.<html:button property="Reset" styleClass="SmallButton" on^click="resetSearchCriteria();"> <bean:message key="button.reset"/> </html:button>
2. When needed
a ) Folding strategy : simple re-align
The first attribute reaching the eol is folded to come back within the distance from the border of the tag it belongs to.<html:button property="Reset" styleClass="SmallButton" ^ onclick="resetSearchCriteria();"> <bean:message key="button.reset"/> </html:button>
2. When needed
b ) Folding strategy : context sensitive re-align
This is the one I prefere 🙂
Attributes are re-aligned on the first attribute.
Please note that my preference goes to the fact taht this is applied only when the attibute list is so that it reaches the eol. In this case, the fact that it would not have the onclick would have mean it should not have wrapped (but may be this become too complex for being configurable 🙂 ).<html:button property="Reset" styleClass="SmallButton" onclick="resetSearchCriteria();"> <bean:message key="button.reset"/> </html:button> <html:button property="Reset" styleClass="SmallButton"> <bean:message key="button.reset"/> </html:button>
4. Always
Folding strategy : indent + offset
The tags attributes/elements are all folded the same way.<html:button property="Reset" styleClass="SmallButton" onclick="resetSearchCriteria();"> <bean:message key="button.reset"/> </html:button>
Edward KunsParticipant@DeanJones wrote:
A REALLY REALLY nice XSD designer would ROCK!!! Then, one click away from Castor code generation, booyah!!!
I have to agree here. I currently use http://sourceforge.net/projects/xdoclipse/ from Sourceforge to generate Castor from XSD files in Eclipse. That way I can have the Castor output in a whole separate tree from my project source and project build areas, and all of the code that references Castor won’t have errors cluttering the Eclipse problems list. Also, since Castor generates code that makes a LOT of warnings, with the Castor generated code in a separate tree, it is easy to ignore all warnings from that code.
The Xdoclipse project is very close to being ideal. It mostly needs a boost in configuration and the ability to autobuild any time the XSD file changes. Stuff like that.