
XML editor freezes Eclips on Win2K

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  • #215357 Reply


    java version “1.4.2_04”
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_04-b05)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_04-b05, mixed mode)


    Version: 3.0.0
    Build id: 200406251208


    Version: 3.0.0
    Build id: 200406251208
    QF20040825 applied (Is it possible to display this information in a widget where you can copy it to the clipboard?)

    This is what I do:

    – Open an XSD or an XML file in the editor
    – Modify the content of this file outside of Eclipse (with vi or by running an application — within Eclipse — that modifes the file)
    – When you are prompted to reload the file, say yes
    – Go get a coffee
    – Come back to the frozen screen
    – Swear
    – Bang the monitor
    – Kill Eclipse and swear that next time, you’ll close your file *before* modifying it outside of Eclipse
    – Repeat from the start

    For the record, this is inconsistent. It doesn’t always happen but it happens more often than not.


    #215389 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is this file under any kind of source control? How MUCH did you swear before killing the Eclipse process? You might just not have said the right words…

    #215409 Reply

    Weird, I’m sur I answered this one yesterday. Oh well, brain cells are slowly but surely disappearing.

    The file is not under source control. I’ve had problems when running a Castor utility that generates an XSD from an XML file. I run the tool from within Eclipse. If the XSD is opened while I run the tool, when I tell Eclipse to reload the file, it freezes. I’ve also had similar experiences when using a text editor to modify the files (I believe it happened on both the XML and the XSD file, but I can’t be sure) outside of Eclipse.

    I only swore using four letter words. Maybe ME needs longer, classier swear words than I thought.


    #215416 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    L does this happen if you open the XML file with the Default Text Editor and then change it and say yes to reload and see if it crashes? I need to narrow down a few more details before I start a dialog with the devs.

    #215421 Reply

    Uhm… no? Let me try something…

    It looks like that does cause a problem. I opened the empty XSD file with another editor (one that comes when you install the UML2 plugin dependencies — EMF and EMI I think). Then I selected the ME editor. I changed the file in an external editor, saved, reloaded in Eclipse and voila! Totally frozen! Yeah!

    I started Eclipse, opened the XSD file in ME editor and tried again. Eclipse froze again. This is my XSD:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://www.ibm.com" xmlns:NewXMLSchema="http://www.ibm.com">
    <element name="foo" type="string"/>

    The only change I made was to change the string type to integer. Switching from string to integer outside of Eclipse and reloading the file systematically freezes Eclipse.


    #215422 Reply

    To answera pending question, nope, nothing in the log. 🙂


    #215425 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    I changed the file in an external editor, saved, reloaded in Eclipse and voila! Totally frozen! Yeah!

    After changing the file externally, and before opening it in Eclipse, can you try refreshing the file by right-clicking on it in the Package Explorer View and selecting ‘Refresh’? Then try opening the file with the Eclipse editors. Any difference?

    #215426 Reply

    I did this:

    – Open the file in Eclipse
    – Moodify in external editor
    – when asked to relod in eclipse, selected No
    – selected the file and did refresh
    – Wondered if I had saved all my changes, because eclipse froze on the refresh (note that the file is already open in the editor)
    – Killed eclipse
    – Started wondering if this isn’t a Windows-specific issue

    I have a Linux box with ME (and the same license key) that I could try it on, but not right now.


    #215434 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I tried to replicate this behavior using the steps you outlined and could not. The external editor I was using was JEdit, and I know that it *does not* lock the file while editing. I wonder if the editor you’re using externally does? Could you try a different editor, like Notepad? In any case, I tried several combinations and couldn’t replicate this lockup behavior at this point.

    #215446 Reply

    No, I don’t think my editor locks the file. I opened a file with it and I was able to delete it with the Explorer with no problem. I’m beginning to think that the issue is a much larger one than this single problem. I went to see one of my colleagues and he can display the graph iew of an XSD while I am unable to do so.

    I’m thinking something is hosed in my installation. How do I uninstall and reinstall this properly without breaking anything? My original installation was with the installer.


    #215454 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    he can display the graph iew of an XSD while I am unable to do so.

    There’s a small activation problem with the XSD graph. If you expose the Outline View, can you see the XSD graph?

    I’m thinking something is hosed in my installation.

    That could be. If so, you should have an ugly set of log file entries in <workspace>/.metadata/.log at least.

    How do I uninstall and reinstall this properly without breaking anything? My original installation was with the installer.

    You can shutdown Eclipse, run the uninstaller that’s in the UninstallerData directory under the MyEclipse install, and then run the installer again.

    However, before you do this, can you see if your friend can replicate your lockup problem?

    #215458 Reply

    @support-scott wrote:

    There’s a small activation problem with the XSD graph. If you expose the Outline View, can you see the XSD graph?

    What does this mean?

    You can shutdown Eclipse, run the uninstaller that’s in the UninstallerData directory under the MyEclipse install, and then run the installer again.


    However, before you do this, can you see if your friend can replicate your lockup problem?

    He’s gone for the weekend so that won’t do.


    #215459 Reply

    Hey, yeah, the outline view works!



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