
XML Markers / Problems View Question

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  • #217588 Reply


    Downloaded the trial version of 3.8 and dig it. But when I go to validate XML documents it tells me that I have to open the tasks view to get a listing of the issues. But when I do it, there is no listing under Tasks view for problems with an XML document. And after looking at your web page that talks about XML documents, the page shows all validation errors under the \”Problems\” view (which is where I would think it would be). But still, the problems view in my copy of Eclipse does not show any XML issues. Am I missing something here. I am using MyEclipse 3.8 and Eclipse 3.0.1 and Dell D600 Alptop with 512 Meg of ram Windows 2K SP4

    #217601 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    In the problems view, please open the Filters dialog, accessed by clicking on the downward-pointing arrow on the view’s toolbar, and be sure that all MyEclipse problem markers are selected for display. Right after the view title on the view’s toolbar there will be a message telling you how many problems are displayed and how many are filtered out.

    #217672 Reply


    Cool, that did it. But how do I check for Well Formed XML documents. I only saw a selection for “XML Validation”?

    #217784 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    “Non-wellformedness” will show up during validation as missing tags, etc. If it validates, it’s both well-formed and conforms to the DTD / Schema that is referenced.

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