
xmlHttpRequest calls – not working with Chrome Mobile Web

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  • #352303 Reply


    If this is aleady in the forum I could not find it. If so, I apologize.

    I have this app (been around for a couple of years – in the store, etc.. successful (thank you MobiOne),
    that uses xmlHttpRequests to talk to the server (xml)

    example: xmlhttp.open(“POST”….

    It worked FINE for testing in the old simulator.. But I cannot get it to work in the new
    Chrome Mobile Web Simulator

    all calls fail. The servers sees the transmission, but says the request is corrupted – coming in ‘RAW’ instead of XML.
    I cannot find out to change the Simulator to work properly.

    Note if I compile the app it works fine on the phone, so clearly a browser difference.
    Does anyone know what to change in Chrome settings?


    #352305 Reply


    never mind – I found a way to fix this..

    I had to explicitly set the header..

    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(“Content-Type”, “text/xml”);

    in addition to: xmlhttp.overrideMimeType(‘text/xml’)

    so this can be closed.


    #352308 Reply

    Thanks for letting us know.

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