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1 comment Last updated 7 years ago
support-swapna commented 8 years ago

Version: Oxygen Release Milestone 5 (4.7.0 M5)
Build id: 20170202-1353

Install DD plugin from Marketplace. Create a new target file from File > New > Other > Plug-in Development > Target Definition. Select ‘Default’ to initialize the target definition in the wizard.

The target file opens in the default ‘Target Editor’. Close it, right click on the target file in the explorer and select Open With > Generic Target Editor. Notice that the editor displays unstyled colors which makes it unreadable.

Screenshot : https://gyazo.com/9077fdeb2b9949576619e7360ca7404b

P.S : Eclipse Neon does not have the ‘Generic Target Editor’ option for target files.

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