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1 comment Last updated 7 years ago
support-swapna commented 7 years, 8 months ago

Environment :

Darkest Dark
Oxygen Release (4.7.0) Build id: 20170620-1800
Birt Framework 4.7.0v201706142203
Windows 10

Steps to replicate :

1. Create a new Report Project from File > New > Other > Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools > Report Project. Switch to the ‘Report Design’ perspective when it prompts.

2. Create a new Report. Right click on the report project > New > Report. Create a blank report and switch to the Master Page tab when the .rptdesign file opens in the editor. Notice the rulers jitter back and forth.

Screen capture: https://gyazo.com/c98dcfbe239c803611ab1155d82d185d

3. User has shared the contents of his .rptdesign file and with his file contents, I see the rulers jitter problem in Layout tab as well.

See this thread for user’s file contents : https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/birt-report-design-rulers-jitter-back-and-forth/

P.S : The problem appears only in the Report Design perspective with DD. Switching to the Java EE perspective, the rulers stay in place with no flicker. Works fine in Eclipse Dark theme.

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