Posted on Jun 25th 2014


Exciting news developers! The Continuous Integration Stream for MyEclipse 2015 (CI) is now available.

A Continuous Integration Stream? That's correct! To keep you up to date with the latest advancements to MyEclipse, we've taken a different approach. No more waiting for the yearly MyEclipse release. Now, you always have the latest enhancements at your fingers.

You can grab MyEclipse 2015 (CI) using the button below.


For a full feature list and details on the release, please check out the Delivery Log.

Here are the highlights:
* Expanded server connectors
* REST web services explorer
* PhoneGap mobile project and build support
* Eclipse 4.4 Luna
* And more coming soon!

You can take the MyEclipse 2015 (CI) workbench for a 30-day test drive by downloading.

Additionally, existing customers can update their current workbench at any time and at no charge.

We can't wait to hear what you think about MyEclipse 2015 (CI). Please share your thoughts with us on Twitter at @MyEclipseIDE.