Miscellaneous Enhancements and Key Fixes
This release is built on Eclipse 2023-03 and will be compatible with the latest versions of any additional plugins you may wish to install.
The IDE will start faster than ever, so you can get to coding sooner. These improvements also reduce the amount of time required for the IDE to restart after adding/removing plugins.
The console can now display colored output, and you will notice this when doing Maven builds, running applications, etc.

All text editors now support new shortcuts for efficient multi-selection editing.
There’s a new, “Compare with each other” action in the Git staging view that you can use to compare staged / unstaged files with each other.
Tired of a flickering set of jobs in the progress view where you could accidentally kill the wrong one? New jobs are now always added at the bottom for a predictable experience.
Inline debug values will now show up when debugging languages like Node.

If you rely on our UML1 tooling (yes, we still support UML1), an issue where the editor menus would not stay open for more than a split second has been addressed. You no longer need to be an e-sports champion to click the menu items!
Our React Serve launch configuration will now correctly serve React applications for easy deployment.
Annoyances while editing HTML files around the use of comments and editing tags have been fixed.
A few invalid validation (ha!) errors with JSP-EL syntax have been addressed.
WebSphere 8.5.5 with recent fix packs applied can now be launched from MyEclipse without the need for any workarounds. We also fixed a bug where MyEclipse would not be able to stop a WebSphere server that was configured to run as a Windows service.