Brian Fernandes
Director of Customer Engagement - Loves technology and almost everything related to computing. Wants to help you write better software. Follow at @brianfernandes.
Posted on Mar 25th 2025

We are excited to bring you MyEclipse 2025, a major update that includes:

MyEclipse AI & Copilot4Eclipse

MyEclipse AI is a new feature that will significantly boost your coding productivity and quality. From any editor you can call on MyEclipse AI to provide realtime code suggestions and to initiate a request for AI assistance. For Java coders, MyEclipse AI provides a special annotation known as a “sparkle” in the Java Editor. Clicking a sparkle icon reveals a menu of quick AI actions that you can choose from.

The AI smarts behind MyEclipse AI is the popular GitHub Copilot. MyEclipse AI uses the Copilot4Eclipse plugin (also from Genuitec) to integrate GitHub Copilot AI capabilities directly into your Eclipse editors and from a custom Chat Panel for conversational AI.

We are just getting started bringing you AI powered code development. Stay tuned for upcoming advances in this feature.



  1. MyEclipse AI requires Copilot4Eclipse 1.4.1 – if you don’t have this plugin installed, you can easily initiate installation from the MyEclipse AI menu, or alternatively, install Copilot4Eclipse from the Eclipse Marketplace.
  2. MyEclipse AI is available at the MyEclipse Spring + AI license level or greater.  A free 30 day upgrade to this level is available from within MyEclipse.
  3. GitHub Copilot Subscription – you will need a GitHub Copilot subscription.  A free subscription level is available to enable you to get started at no additional cost.



Copilot4Eclipse is a companion plugin developed by Genuitec that integrates GitHub Copilot features into Eclipse editors and provides a conversational AI Chat Panel. Copilot4Eclipse is installed by default in new MyEclipse installations. If you’re updating from a prior MyEclipse version, manually install Copilot4Eclipse from the MyEclipse Component Wizard at Help > Choose Components. You can also use the MyEclipse Component Wizard to uninstall Copilot4Eclipse and many other components.

Copilot4Eclipse can be used in multiple ways:

  • Use it with MyEclipse AI.
  • Initiate conversations (from writing tests to fixing code) using its context menu in the editor.
  • Chat directly from the Copilot4Eclipse view.

With this latest release of Copilot4Eclipse, you can choose between different AI models from the Copilot4Eclipse chat view.

To see Copilot4Eclipse in action, check out these videos.



MyEclipse 2025 ships with and runs on Java 21.0.6. 

Java 23 Support

MyEclipse 2025 enables development with the latest Java 23 language features. To create and compile Java 23 projects, configure MyEclipse with a Java 23 Runtime.

Java 1.7 Support Removed
Compiling against a compliance level of Java 1.7 or below is no longer supported. This is due to Eclipse removing support for these source levels in the JDT, similar to the JDK itself removing support for compiling against this version of Java since version 20. If your project is set to compile with Java 1.7, we would suggest upgrading it to source level 1.8 (ideally higher) or using the prior release, MyEclipse 2024.1.2.


Tooling Improvements

Ctrl / Cmd + Click on a type will now give you the option to open a Call Hierarchy too, in addition to its declaration and implementation.Recall in the last release this functionality was added for fields and methods.

Debug inspect popups can now be pinned, so you won’t lose it if you focus on other elements.

Like using Text Blocks? If you use Java 15+, the quick fix to convert a concatenation of literals and variables into a MessageFormat call will now effectively use text blocks.

Several cleanups have been added, including a few key enhancements to the if / else cleanup to include null handling and Enum constants.

Spring Framework

A number of Spring annotations now have better language support in the editor, with content assist, navigation and validation provided. These include @Profile, @Resource, @Qualifier, @Value, @DependsOn, @ConditionalOn? and many more.

Auto completion is now available for CRON expressions and an inlay hint will help ensure you got it right!


SpEL expressions support go-to-definition for beans and methods.

A new delta based index cache consumes less memory and makes the Spring tooling more performant.

Modern Web Development

Develop with the latest version of Angular, Vue and React with this release of MyEclipse.

Support for the latest modern web framework is powered by updates to several language servers under the covers from TypeScript to XML. Fixes have been made to improve language server stability during development. These updates improve the editing experience with a variety of languages like HTML, XML, JSON, CSS, YAML and more. 



Application Server Connectors 

In order to support newer web applications, we have updated updated our embedded Tomcat connector to Tomcat 11.0.2 and our embedded Derby database server to  Additionally, a new connector for Tomcat 11 has been added.


MyEclipse’s server connectors are compatible with the latest versions of popular app servers, including 

  • Glassfish 7
  • Wildfly 35
  • Tomcat 11
  • TomEE 10
  • JBoss EAP 8
  • Payara 6.2025
  • OpenLiberty 25

Users can continue to deploy, serve, debug, and run against these app servers with ease.


The embedded Maven version has been updated to 3.9.9. Error management behavior during Maven project updates (Maven > Update Project), has been modified to log errors instead of displaying an error dialog. Furthermore, Surefire/Failsafe plugin configurations in the POM will now be propagated to JUnit/TestNG launch configurations.


Miscellaneous Improvement and Key Fixes

MyEclipse 2025.1 is now based on the Eclipse 2024-12. This brings improved compatibility with third party plugins and core platform improvements.

Sticky Scrolling can be enabled for text editors, and will “stick” the most important lines to the top of the editor as you scroll. Go to Preferences > General > Text Editors to turn this on.

The compare editor will now show syntax highlighting for more languages.


Feature Removals

MyEclipse 2025 has bid farewell to several outdated and rarely used features.

– ICEfaces
– JAX-RPC Webservices
– XDoclet

– Matisse
– UML 1
– Examples on Demand

Server Connectors:
– Sun Java System Application Server
– JRun
– Orion
– Oracle

Note: MyEclipse 2024.1.2 is the final version that supports these technologies. They are no longer supported as of MyEclipse 2025. Use MyEclipse 2024.1.2 or an earlier version if you need to continue using them.



Parting Thoughts

AI is rapidly transforming the way we will develop software. Begin your transformation with MyEclipse 2025 and its most productive Java enterprise coding tools ever.  We look forward to seeing what you create with MyEclipse.

Happy coding!