Rocio Trujillo
Graphic Designer and Social Media enthusiast.
Graphic Designer and Social Media enthusiast.
Q3 What is the timeline for #Eclipse #Neon support for @MyEclipseIDE?
A3 We’re about half-way through with our port, we should have an #Eclipse #Neon, MyEclipse 2017 release in late September
A3 For modern #webdevelopment on #Eclipse, you can also use @Webclipse on #Neon since day zero
Q4 What about #TypeScript support, you promised some teasers in the last chat…
A4 #TypeScript support is actually coming to both @MyEclipseIDE and @Webclipse in the upcoming CI 6 release 🙂
A4 We have a #TypeScript editor with content assist, as-you-type validation & automatic transpilation
Q5 Missing from #Eclipse #TypeScript support is tsconfig.json support. Will @Webclipse‘s #TypeScript support respect/use it?
A4 Everything is customizable, from validation to editor colors. Navigation is easy with the outline & go-to-definition
A5 at the crux of @Webclipse #TypeScript support we load/store settings to the tsconfig file directly
A5 No need to duplicate settings in the config and @Webclipse – easily work with external cmd line or other tools
Q6 You have mentioned #Angular2 periodically – will @Webclipse have any special support?
A6 Yes! Prelim support for #Angular2 is coming in 2016 CI 7, to both @Webclipse and @MyEclipseIDE
A6 We will have editors, content assist and validation supported, plus #Angular2 generator wizards to start with
A6 We realize you need an intelligent CLI, so we will include a souped up terminal with #Angular2 smarts as well
Q7 If I use #Angular2 today, can I still start using @Webclipse for development in #Eclipse?
A7 Absolutely, we’re going to make it easy to bring existing #Angular2 projects into #Eclipse,with minimal setup #JavaScript
A7 With the basic #TypeScript support, you can already start developing using CI 6 @Webclipse
Turning things around, let me ask you a question @timrwebb!
Q8 Why is @Genuitec looking to build out #ModernWeb support in #Eclipse?
A8 The modern #Enterprise is getting pulled into building increasingly more advanced interfaces using #Web technologies
A8 #TypeScript has changed the dynamic for #Enterprises allowing low-cost development with high value, like Java did to C
A8 Coupling #Angular2 and #TypeScript gives a rich stack for rapid development for #ModernWeb sites & @Webclipse facilitates
Q9 Why specifically the interest in #Angular2 for #Enterprise #JavaEE developers?
A9 First, there is a parallel between #TypeScript and #Java in they both provide well validated development stacks
A9 More importantly #Angular2 serves a similar role to #JavaEE in providing a robust structure for #Developer teams
A9 #Angular2 + #Typescript w/ #Java + #JavaEE is the ideal #FullStack for the modern enterprise @Webclipse
Q10 Is now the time for enterprises to move to #Angular2 for their front-end #Web development?
A10 Yes. No hesitation for enterprise portals. Many of our customers are already starting down this path
A10 #Angular2 on top of #JavaEE allows existing dev teams to easily build super responsive front-ends w/@Webclipse
That wraps up our #genuitecchat for today for the moderated questions, as always, we’re available on DM and @Webcilpse @MyEclipseIDE
Tell us about your #FullStack experience with #Angular2 front-end and a #JavaEE back-end! #genuitecchat