Nataliya Muriy
Marketing Content Creator - you name it, she'll write it!
Posted on May 17th 2018

Great news for you, PHP developer: your coding experience in Eclipse just got better thanks to CodeMix! It’s an Eclipse plugin that gives you access to a whole array of technologies from VS Code and add-on extensions built for Code OSS.

How does CodeMix handle PHP support? Directly from Code OSS! There is also extra functionality thanks to an array of PHP-specific extensions, and they all come in our PHP extension pack.

If you are ready for this enhanced experience, check out the Getting Started Guide to learn about the different aspects of our PHP functionality. Here you will find info on how to install CodeMix together with the PHP extension pack and configure the former for PHP development. This guide also walks you through all the essentials of working with PHP: projects, PHP source, the command palette, and debugging, of course!

If you haven’t tried CodeMix yet, become an Insider today and stay in the loop for our latest updates!