
GitHub Copilot support with Copilot4Eclipse

MyEclipse 2024 is GitHub Copilot-ready. We designed MyEclipse and our Copilot4Eclipse plugin to work together to provide you state-of-art AI coding assistance.

For starters, Copilot4Eclipse can give you more intelligent content assist within your editors, from suggesting simple method invocations to generating several screens full of implementation code.

With the Chat panel you can do even more – get it to explain some new code to you, fix your bugs, add dependencies, generate tests and even make writing documentation easier. Chat conversations are now persistable, so you can come back to any number of context-rich conversations anytime.

Future versions of MyEclipse will include richer integration with Copilot’s capabilities through Copilot4Eclipse

Java 22 Support

With this update we add support for Java 21 and Java 22. These versions of Java are supported in our Enterprise wizards as well.

Some Java dev updates you’re sure to find interesting:

  • Annotation based resource leak analysis
  • For switch expressions, validation and quick fixes around default/break
  • Using Ctrl + Click for fields / methods will give you the option to quickly open the Call Hierarchy

Spring Tooling Updates

Our Spring tooling is significantly faster and more resource efficient at validation, code completion and symbol reconciliation. This means less memory used and the ability to handle larger Spring projects seamlessly.

If you’re working with Spring Boot and need to add more Boot dependencies to your POM, use the Add Spring Boot Starters hint to easily do so.

Modern Web Development

Angular 18 and the latest versions of Vue and React are supported by this release of MyEclipse.

Embedded Maven runtime has been updated to Maven version 3.9.6.

The Chrome debugger has been updated to use vscode-js-debugger.  You can now use variables in the JSON, allowing you to check-in these configurations without system specific values.

MyEclipse 2024.1 is now based on the Eclipse 2024-03 with core improvements to the platform and improved compatibility with recent releases of third party plugins.

Learn more about MyEclipse 2024 in our most recent blog –  AI for the Eclipse Developer


Update Cadence

Going forward, the MyEclipse team will be increasing the frequency of product updates. Our goal is to more quickly provide you access to advances in AI coding support,  the latest framework updates and resolve product issues. Please contact us with your suggestions at info@genuitec.com.

Happy coding!

MyEclipse 2024

Get the latest tech for Enterprise development!

Key Technologies—One IDE

MyEclipse is a feature rich IDE, perfect for full-stack development.

Java EE & Jakarta EE


Application Servers

WebSphere, Portal Server, Open Liberty, Apache Tomcat, tc Server, TomEE, JBoss, Wildfly, Glassfish, Jetty, WebLogic, Payara, Geronimo


Spring Boot, Spring Web Flow, Spring Security, Spring MVC, Spring Annotator, CRUD Scaffolding & DSL, Bootstrapping

Modern Web

JavaScript, Typescript, Angular, Vue, React, Webpack, Node.js, Bootstrap, jQuery


JPA, EclipseLink, OpenJPA, Hibernate


Docker, OpenShift, Quarkus