Brian Fernandes
Director of Customer Engagement - Loves technology and almost everything related to computing. Wants to help you write better software. Follow at @brianfernandes.
Posted on Mar 23rd 2020

For Angular IDE and the MyEclipse + CodeMix bundle, we released an update today to address enhanced macOS Catalina security requirements. Our installers now satisfy recent app notarization requirements.

  • Installers for the latest versions of Angular IDE (2020.3.3) and the MyEclipse + CodeMix bundle (2020.3.3) for macOS have been made available today. They are correctly signed for macOS Catalina.
  • Installers for the latest version of MyEclipse (2019.12.5) are already correctly signed and have not been updated.
  • On all OSes, you will receive an in-product update that allows us to properly apply the security changes required. The update does not make any other changes to MyEclipse or Angular IDE.