Nataliya Muriy
Marketing Content Creator - you name it, she'll write it!
Posted on Dec 18th 2018

Front-end developers, ready to make your lives easier with a progressive framework? Vue.js allows you to build user interfaces and impressive SPAs efficiently, so it might be the perfect time to start learning it. Vue does have great documentation, but if you’d like to go the extra mile, check out the list of courses that we’ve put together for you.

  1. Vue.js Fundamentals
    Get all the fundamentals from this course. Rated at five stars, it will teach you the basics of creating impressive apps, by having you build your own project from scratch.
    Level: intermediate
    Duration: 5 hours
    Knowledge gained:
    • Vue.js CLI
    • Creating components and template syntax
    • Enabling inter-component communication
    • Routing from page to page
    • Creating custom directors and filters
    Cost: $29 monthly or $299 yearly – unlimited access to all the courses

    Need first-class support for Vue development? Look no further than CodeMix, an Eclipse plugin that lets you add Code OSS extensions directly into Eclipse—just install the Vue pack or the famed Vetur extension for Vue support. Codemix is compatible with all Eclipse-based IDEs and tools, such as MyEclipse, Spring Tools Suite, and JBoss Tools.
  2. Vue JS 2: From Beginner to Professional (includes Vuex)
    This course will take you on the entire journey of learning Vue.js, applying theory to practice – you get to build several applications of your own. Additional exercises are also provided, as you work through the material.
    Level: all
    Duration: 15.5 hours
    Knowledge gained:
    •  Building advanced apps
    • Communicating with servers using HTTP
    • Buildings SPAs
    Managing state in large applications with Vuex
    • Using modern tools for developing and building applications
    Cost: regular price $124.99 (but keep an eye out for frequent sales!)

  3. Learn Vue 2: Step by Step
    This Laracasts series is the top pick for Brian Fernandes, our Director of Customer Engagement, who thoroughly enjoyed the clear separation of Vue concepts, pacing, and depth of this course. With close to 50 episodes, this course really breaks it down for you. The best part – you go back directly to the episode you need at any time.
    Level: all
    Duration: 7.5 hours
    Knowledge gained: 
    • Setting up Vue dev tools
    • Basic data, attribute, and class binding
    • Vue event listeners
    • Components

    • Object oriented forms
    • SPAs and backend
    • Vue event listeners
    • Testing Vue
    Cost: the first 36 episodes are FREE! Watch all of them for $15 a month.

  4. Vue School
    This site is a good place to explore if you are looking for specific Vue courses. There are ten being offered at this point, both for those that are just starting out with this framework and those with some experience. Here are a few of them:
    Types of courses:
    Vue.js Form Validation (beginner, 34 min) – by also using Vuelidate, this course teaches custom and conditional validators, asynchronous form validation, and validation collections.
    Vue.js + Firebase Authentication (beginner, 32 min) – learn everything from setting up to catching errors, and protecting routes in an SPA.
    Custom Vue Directives (intermediate, 14 min) – create directives with and without arguments, as well as directive modifiers.
    Dynamic Forms with Vue.js (intermediate, 58 min) – manage parent and child components/forms, do asynchronous validation in Steps, work with watchers and keep-alive hooks, and much more.
    Nuxt.js Fundamentals (beginner, 28 min) – created together with Nuxt founders, this course covers everything from scaffolding to deploying a Nuxt app, using Nuxt.js, a framework for creating Vue.js apps.
    Cost: $12 per month, $98 per year, $348 lifetime gives unlimited access to all the courses

  5. Real World Vue.js
    No, we haven’t forgotten about the newest development in the world of Vue! In addition to core Vue concepts, this practical course will also cover the recently released Vue CLI 3.
    Level: intermediate
    Duration: 90 mns
    Knowledge gained:
    • Optimizing your editor for Vue development
    • Vue CLI
    • Vue Router
    • Vue Components
    • API calls with Axios
    Cost: FREE intro, $19 monthly, $190 yearly

If you are ready to do even more with Vue, CodeMix will become your best choice for sure (click here to find out why). Powered with this plugin, using Vue.js in Eclipse will be a breeze for you – just take a look at this page.