Posted on Jan 15th 2015

Are you on Twitter? Bob is and he’s super excited to be participating in his (and bob-ASK(1)Genuitec’s) first ever Twitter Chat Wednesday, Jan. 21st, 9 am US/Central / 4pm Germany/CET. #GenuitecChat

With the release of MyEclipse 2015 are you curious about:

  • Why JavaScript code assist is now improved with MyEclipse 2015?
  • Why move to PhoneGap Build within MyEclipse from your own build service?
  • How REST explorer can be used with proprietary backends?

Bob and our lead developers will be online ready to answer those, and your most burning questions about MyEclipse 2015. In fact, have a question that comes to mind now? Send it on over to Bob today so he can move your question to the top of the stack ensuring you get the answers you’re looking for.

Wednesday, January 21, 9am US/Central / 4pm Germany/CET
Participate and Follow Along Using: #GenuitecChat
Tweet questions in advance to @genuitec or email