
100% CPU usage when editing struts-config [Closed]

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  • #200850 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hey I’ve hit this bug twice and I guess its somewhat reproducable…

    I’ll be editing my struts-config, and type something like:
    <forward name=”” path=’|

    so accidentally I typed a single quote, so I’ll try and hit backspace to clear it out, and find that eclipse’s process is pegged at 100% and I have to kill the process and restart eclipse.

    Sorry I can’t be more helpful, should I grab the log file next time this happens?

    #200857 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    No need to try to isolate it further. I could reprouce it as long as the line ended with a single or double quote. This case is bad as it causes the tag scanner to go into an infinite loop. Yikes! The workaround is to be sure that the document following the ‘ is well formed and the ‘ does not end the line. For example, when there is a ‘>’ after the quote, you’re fine.

    I entered a bug report so we can fix it in the next release. Thanks for reporting it.

    MyEclipse Support

    #200971 Reply


    Would it be possible to release a new version as soon as this bug is fixed?

    This bug cause XML editing to be quite frustrating. It does not just manifest itself when pressing [backspace] but also if you enter a [double-quote] followed immediatly by a [single-quote].


    #200980 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    One workaround I found is to autocomplete my tags immediately before I start typing attributes. This is definately suboptimal, but will help keep you from restarting all the time:

    <mytag| <– autcomplete here for good measure

    #201004 Reply


    This bug is already fixed along with several other as well as the Linux and Mac ports. We should have a release early next week.

    MyEclipse Support

    #201442 Reply


    Fixed in ME2.7RC2.

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