
2.1-Preview 1 Dynamic List bug?

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  • #328770 Reply

    Unknown Author

    As I’ve mentioned, I have an app (“My Comic Books”) which uses two independent dynamic lists using localstorage. The page which displays the list has 1 back button and 3 other links before the list itself (and links to the Landing page).

    So…under 2.1-1 the same Javascript code behaves differently in Test Center depending on Android or iOS. Compiling iOS, I use “action4” to link to the Landing page. Under Android, it’s “action5”.



    #328822 Reply

    Hi 1thinchip,

    We really appreciate your report. Could you provide us the necessary files to replicate the issue? This will help us to find faster the problem.

    #329145 Reply

    Unknown Author

    I think this one isn’t a big deal. It’s just triggering on the right action.


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