
2.7 GA Upgrade

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  • #204611 Reply


    I just upgraded from 2.7RC2 to 2.7 using the Eclipse Installer. We have one web app project which has been happily using ME for the last three monhts. After upgrading, I looked at properties on that project and the MyEclipse-Struts property had an error message of “Invalid base package specified’. The “Base Package” has a value of “/WebRoot”.

    Is this something new (I don’t recall what was around in RC2) and if so, it is to help with multiple projects feeding into a web app project? If so, then how do I get hook up my other “feeder” projects? In any case, this is just a “fill in the blank” value and I don’t know what to put into the blank – does the name of the current project go into it?

    Thanks for the help

    #204619 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Your base package is the webroot of your project relative to your project’s directory tree. So lets say you have:

    /Project Root

    Then your base package would be “/webroot”. If you cannot edit this field directly, then you can open the .mystrutsdata file manually and change it in there. This is actually a bug and the upgrade shouldn’t have changed this value on you. We are sorry for the trouble.

    #204634 Reply

    ❓ ❓ ❓ Now I am confused.

    For my project, there is MyEclipse-Struts, MyEclipse-XDoclet and MyEclipse-Web. MyEclipse-Web has a “Web-root Folder” which is set to “/WebRoot”. MyEclipse-Struts has a “Base Package” which looked like it should be set to “com.mycompany.project” or something like that and this was set to “/WebRoot” after the installation.

    As a test, I added a new web-app and it appears that “Base Package” was set to the default package name (e..g, com.mycompany.project”). Therefore, I made the change in my real project from “/WebRoot”. to “com.mycompany.project” and it appeared to fix the problem (well, it made the red error message go away).

    If I read your response, then you are suggesting that the Struts “Base Package” should be the same as the Web App attribute “Web-root Folder”? Do I understand this attribute on the MyEclipse-Struts property sheet correctly? I know that in either case that the installer should have not left it hanging – but for the immediate term, what do I need to do to correct this error?


    #204636 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The base package is the java package that should be used as a prefix for you generated struts java code. Setting it as you did in the Struts properties is correct. The error was caused by a bug we had in RC1 that was aggravated by the new version.

    If I read your response, then you are suggesting that the Struts “Base Package” should be the same as the Web App attribute “Web-root Folder”?

    No, you’re good as is. Web-root is /WebRoot and the base package is where you want your java code.

    #204643 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    GSX I’m very sorry, Scott/You are absolutely correct, it seems when I double checked my settings for you, *MY* Project had been corrupted so my basePackage setting was completely wrong (as I mentioned, it was set to my /webroot).

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