
[3.8.1] JSP Format code

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  • #214054 Reply


    I’ve recently update from 3.8 version to 3.8.1 of MyEclipseIDE.
    After this change I can’t use anymore source formatting feature on JSP page (it appears disabled from Source>Format>Document).
    What should I do?

    #214060 Reply


    We found some issues in the Jsp Formatter that had to be resolved. It will be reenabled soon in an upcoming release. Sorry for the inconvenience .

    #219930 Reply


    Any news? Version 3.8.2 still doesn’t support JSF formatting.

    #219931 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We are hoping for 3.8.3 pending any major bugs we find last minute with it. Formatters are incredibly tricky and if a bug is present really destroy projects, so we won’t be taking any risks until its ready.

    #219939 Reply


    I agree with that. We can all live without formatting while I can’t quite say the same thing about stability.

    While at it, is there already an update for the 3.8.3 ETA, or is it still ‘decemberish’ (which I read as late December, early January) ?

    #219942 Reply


    Is there any update on the date for 3.8.3? I’m dying for a formatter here, I’m translating HTML mockups to JSP and they’re foul….

    #219946 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I talked to the team and we are actually shooting for early december. Our first beta is next week. But give us a couple weeks to bang on it, lets say mid-late december. There are still a lot of things to do.

    I think you can still get around this (somewhat) by copying contents into an HTML file and formatting it… but if your pages are scriplet heavy, I don’t think they will format well.

    #219954 Reply


    Cheers! I’ll give that a go, I haven’t got any scriptlets, just tags.

    #219958 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hey guys bad news, I checked with the team on this and this won’t make it into 3.8.3. Aparently back in August we really pushed to get this ready for 3.8.3 and our head dev (King of all that is Eclipse) spent two days straight on it and got now where… we were spending too much time so we dropped it until the next release to investigate. I’ve asked more details and its a really hairy piece of code since JSP is such a mish-mash of languages its really a nightmare to parse correctly.

    So officially we have no ETA on this, sorry guys.

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