
[3.8.2] JSP format Question [Closed]

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  • #216201 Reply


    I’ve just installed latest (3.8.2 GA) release of MyEclipseIde.
    Since release 3.8.1GA JSP format was not working … and it still doesn’t work!
    That is : I open a JSP file, select ‘Source > Format’ and all two options (Document, Active element) are disabled.

    What should I do? What should I have to check?
    🙁 ❓

    #216215 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    We disabled it in 3.8.1 intentionally because it had the habit of reformatting files in such a way that code was lost or the file was otherwise “broken”. We didn’t have time to investigate, fix, and test it in 3.8.2 because we had about 80 other fixes that were deemed higher priority. It’s still an open problem report and we’ll be prioritizing it and addressing it as soon as possible.

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