- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 20 years, 1 month ago by
Scott Anderson.
Scott AndersonParticipantIf you downloaded or updated to MyEclipse 3.8.4 after February 3rd 9:30AM (GMT -6 hours), you *do not* need to apply this quickfix and may stop reading this now.
If you are unsure if you downloaded a version with the quickfix applied, please navigate to Window > Preferences > MyEclipse. The version that includes the quickfix is 3.8.4+QF2 with a build id of 200502031200-3.8.4+QF2. If you’re using the beta release for Eclipse 3.1M4, both the version and build id will also have the suffix BetaFor3.1.
Please do *not* attempt to install it on any version of MyEclipse other than 3.8.4. However, this quickfix is highly recommended for all users due to a fix to bug #1400 which is detailed in this bug thread:
http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-5867.htmlThis fix addresses the following problems that have been reported on the forums and internally:
ID Summary
QF1 (included in QF2)
1400 MyEclipse > Internet Tools > Web Browser preference screen persistence
1406 Snippets cannot be inserted into a file edited by the Javascript editor
1132 Quick Comment/Uncomment in JSP Editor uses HTML comments
1409 Any time a file is saved, cursor jumps back to start of file
1411 JSP Source Lookup Failing in WebLogicQF2
1400 Exploded deployment deletes deployment locationPlease note which version of Eclipse / MyEclipse you’re using to ensure you download the appropriate quickfix as they are different and not interchangable.
The quickFix for MyEclipse 3.8.4 for Eclipse 3.0.x is located at:
http://www.myeclipseide.com/products/eworkbench/quickfixes/myeclipse_030804_QF2.zipThe quickFix for MyEclipse 3.8.4 Beta Release for Eclipse 3.1M4 is located at:
http://www.myeclipseide.com/products/eworkbench/quickfixes/myeclipse_030804_QF2_3.1Beta.zipNote: The location to unzip the quickfix into is your MyEclipse install directory, not the Eclipse install directory.
To install it, exit MyEclipse and unzip the quick fix archive directly into <MyEclipse install directory>. The plugins are archived with paths that will place them in the subdirectory “eclipse/plugins”. You should choose to overwrite files, when prompted. Please note, the quickfix contains only the subsets of several plugins that changed, not the complete plugin so please don’t choose an extraction method that overwrites the entire plugin directory. On Windows, simply unzipping with WinZip or using the XP file explorer to copy the folders into the plugins directory will “do the right thing”.
Once the quickfix is installed, start eclipse with -clean command line option, one time, to insure installation of the new jars. (ie. eclipse.exe -clean). On subsequent restarts you do not need to use -clean, just the first time after you apply the fix. Here’s an FAQ for setting up -clean if you need more info: http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-30.html#343