
4.1m2 hibernate/spring config

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  • #243335 Reply

    Werner Punz

    a) JSF Editor: The panelgrid Tag is not rendered correctly the columns attribute is ignored, thus a table based layout preview is not rendered correctly
    <h:panelGrid columns=”2″>

    results in more than two colums being in one row depending on the screensize

    b) xdoclet ejb generators:
    No target for Geronimo
    Version number for jboss is limited to numbers smaller than 4, the current version number of jboss is around 4.x

    c) no expanded deployment is possible in Geronimo, and no on the fly sync

    #243336 Reply

    Werner Punz

    additionally to that, add spring capabilities, does not add the needed spring libraries to the web-inf/lib
    in a webapp, also if the hibernate mapping already is done, you cannot switch to a spring based one
    all which is added is only a link to the hibernate config file.

    #243403 Reply

    I’ve submitted these bug reports for investigations. Thank you for your help.

    #243405 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Just a short note about your hibernate mapping and spring issue.
    While we do not convert existing hibernate configs into a spring config, you can configure the project so that all additional mappings generated henceforth are put into the spring configuration instead of the hibernate configuration.
    You can do this by Opening up Project properties > MyEclipse – Hibernate and then set the active config file to one of your bean configs; you must specify a bean id for this to work correctly.

    Does that solve this issue for you?

    #243430 Reply

    Werner Punz

    Not quite the same, but good enough (I had that in mind as fallback option anyway ;-)), see my bugreport as feature request.

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