
5.1.1 GA or 5.5 M2 for my needs ?

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  • #267304 Reply


    I see 5.1.1 GA has just been released and uses Eclipse 3.2.2.

    I’m currently using MyEclipse 5.5 M1, partly because it looked interesting, and because I needed Spring 2.0 support, and good UML abilities. However I’m using SVN and Subclipse and keep getting this synchronizing issue where folders show up twice in the synchronize view, this blog http://www.barneyb.com/barneyblog/2006/10/26/subclipse-vs-subversive/feed/ thinks it might be fixed in Eclipse 3.2.2.

    Will MyEclipse 5.5 M2 be released soon with Eclipse 3.2.2 ?
    or am I better off changing to MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA – but will I lose Spring 2.0 and some UML functionality ?

    #267333 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Yes MyEclipse 5.5 M2 should be out here in a few weeks and yes if you step back to 5.1.1 you will loose Spring 2.0 support and I don’t recall the UML changes off the top of my head but yes those will be gone as well.

    See if you can hang out until 5.5M2 comes out, or try and use the Subversive SVN plugin instead, it’s going to become the official Eclipse plugin anyway as it was just accepted as an Eclipse project.

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