
5.5 GA ear project

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  • #270393 Reply

    I am trying to create a new very basic EE5 application project with 5.5 GA.
    1- The generated application.xml is for J2EE 1.3 (application_1_3.dtd instead of application_5.xsd). I tried several times, made sure I checked the Java EE 5 option: no way.
    2- Also, i am trying to add an EE 5 client module as a dependant java project.
    In the properties of the ear application project:
    – add the app-client java project to the project references
    – under EAR properties: check jar dependant java projects, automatically update application.xml…
    application.xml is not updated to include the new java module (should not it be ?).
    The dependant project is jarred and deployed and the web and ejb module are proper EE5, though.
    Am I missing something ??
    Apart from that, it looks like a very nice release (once i get to know how to use it)


    #270401 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1- The generated application.xml is for J2EE 1.3 (application_1_3.dtd instead of application_5.xsd). I tried several times, made sure I checked the Java EE 5 option: no way.

    This looks like a bug, I’ll file it ASAP.

    Thank you for the heads up.

    2- Also, i am trying to add an EE 5 client module as a dependant java project.
    In the properties of the ear application project:
    – add the app-client java project to the project references
    – under EAR properties: check jar dependant java projects, automatically update application.xml…
    application.xml is not updated to include the new java module (should not it be ?).

    I don’t believe so. The JAR is not a deployable unit, it is simply a dependency of the modules so it will be included in the project’s classpath so the Web and EJB modules can load it.

    #270432 Reply

    Thank you Riyad

    BTW: point 2 is not vital. You are absolutely right if the java project is a libary used by other modules. EE application client modules are a different kind of beast, though. Some support would have been nice, but editing the descriptor manually is no big deal (if present, it must be complete if I understand the new specs correctly).


    #270439 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    EE application client modules are a different kind of beast, though.

    Oh yes, that is an open request right now in our issue tracker. I’ll add your vote to it.

    Some support would have been nice, but editing the descriptor manually is no big deal (if present, it must be complete if I understand the new specs correctly).

    This was actually fixed this morning in an internal build of what will become 6.0 M1. THanks again.

    #270484 Reply

    Fixed in new 5.5.1 GA available this morning. That was fast… amazing !

    re client modules: since they have basically the same deployment structure as an ejb module, maybe developping them as dummy EE5 ejb projects under ME would be the easiest way (??). I’ll try: just some tweaks needed for libraries and descriptors i figure, nothing major.

    Thank you all


    #270499 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Interesting point… I don’t think we have investigated the client modules yet, so I’m not personally aware of it’s deployment requirements. Were you able to have deployments work using the technique you describe for them?

    #270509 Reply

    Yes: I just deployed an app with ejb and client modules both exploded to JBoss 5.0.0Beta2. Easy to do and It works like a charm !


    #270510 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Very nice. I’ll keep that in mind for other folks in a jam until we add official support. Thanks.

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