
60 Second hang on opening first project ME4S 9.1

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  • #319539 Reply

    Glen Ihrig

    This is a significant annoyance, but not a show stopper, it happens only once per session.

    Mac OS X 10.5.8
    4 GB RAM

    Simply put, the first time I open a project after starting ME4S, it hangs for 60 seconds and then everything is OK.
    Opening subsequent projects works as expected.

    Any guidance on further troubleshooting is appreciated.

    Best Regards,



       - This is new behavior with the 9.0 and 9.1 versions (did not happen with 8.6).
       - Create a MyEclipse Web Project in a new Workspace.
         - Select Java EE 6.0 and remaining defaults.
         - Enable all JRE 1.6 level prompts.
       - After re-starting ME4S, and waiting for all initialization to complete. 
         Click the disclosure triangle in the Project Explorer view to show project 
         artifacts, a 60 second hang will occur, with the spinning beach ball cursor.
       - This does not happen in the Package Explorer view, only Project Explorer.
       - This happens only on the first project opened.
       - It occurs on any project in the work space, but only the first one opened per session.
         - After opening the first project any other projects open as expected.
       - The length of time between opening ME4S and opening the first project has no bearing 
         on the behavior. I have waited up to 30 minutes, the 60 second hang still happens.
       - During this time there are no errors on screen, in the MyEclipse log, or in system logs.
       - During this time there is no unusual disk or cpu utilization in Activity Monitor.
         - ME4S logo '(null) not responding' Appears under Process Name. 
         - This changes to ME4S logo (null) at the end of the 60 second delay.
       - During this entire process, there is more than 1.5 GB Free RAM available.

    Installation Details:

        *** Date: 
        Tuesday, September 6, 2011 9:03:40 PM PDT
        ** System properties:
        OS version=10.5.8
        Java version=1.6.0_26
        *** MyEclipse details:
        MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
        Version: 9.1
        Build id: 9.1-20110701
        *** Eclipse details:
        MyEclipse for Spring
        Version: 9.1.0
        Build ID: 9.1.0 Build 10 (110630_1845)
        Eclipse startup command=-os
        /Applications/Development/DevelopmentFolders/Genuitec/MyEclipse for Spring 9.app/Contents/Profile/myeclipseforspring.app/Contents/MacOS/myeclipseforspring
        /Applications/Development/DevelopmentFolders/Genuitec/MyEclipse for Spring 9.app/Contents/Profile/myeclipseforspring.app/Contents/MacOS//../../../../../../Common/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.cocoa.macosx.x86_64_1.1.1.R36x_v20100810/eclipse_1309.so
        /Applications/Development/DevelopmentFolders/Genuitec/MyEclipse for Spring 9.app/Contents/Profile/myeclipseforspring.app/Contents/MacOS/../../../../../../Common/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.1.0.v20100507.jar
        /Applications/Development/DevelopmentFolders/Genuitec/MyEclipse for Spring 9.app/Contents/Profile
        /Applications/Development/DevelopmentFolders/Genuitec/MyEclipse for Spring 9.app/Contents/Profile/configuration
    #319549 Reply



    Sorry you’re running into this issue and thanks for raising it.

    I was able to replicate it on Mac and Linux (didn’t try Windows) and will raise a bug report for it. In my investigation, I noticed something, though it may not be very helpful.

    If you have another web project, but using the JEE5 specification, and expand that first (and it does expand quickly), then the JEE6 web project expands quickly. This “feature” doesn’t work if you expand an ordinary Java project first – it had to be the JEE5 web project.

    By the way, I’m not sure what you meant by “Enable all JRE 1.6 level prompts”. I simply created a web project at the JEE6 level and left everything else (though my default is JRE 1.6).

    I can’t give an estimated fix date, at this point.

    #319562 Reply

    Glen Ihrig

    Hi Tony,

    Thanks for the response, the bug report and the work-around. That is very helpful.

    I’m not sure what you meant by “Enable all JRE 1.6 level prompts”.

    The New Workspace default JEE Specification level is 5.0
    When a different JEE Spec level is selected for a new project an “Incompatible Java
    Compliance Level” dialog appears, allowing a custom setting for this project.
    That dialog also contains a link to ‘Open workspace compiler settings’.

    When I wrote “Enable all JRE 1.6 level prompts” I was referring to this prompt and the mentioned compiler settings and default JRE settings. When testing in a new workspace these all default to Java/JEE 5.0, I was confirming that all relevant settings had been changed to Java/JEE 6.0.

    Thanks again for looking into this, it was helpful.

    Best regards,


    #319572 Reply


    Hi Glen,

    Thanks for the clarification. The bug has now been raised so watch out for the fix in a future release of MyEclipse.

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