
[7.1 Blue]: ….and still getting an error

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  • #296293 Reply


    i noticed a new blue version so i downloaded a copy hoping things will be better from my last experience. lo and behold, in my first minute tinkering with it i get an error:

    An internal error occurred during: “update”. java.lang.NullPointerException.

    i’m a long-time member and apalled with the 7.x quality of the product….i’m holding off again from buying a license.

    what happened to the myeclipse i used to know??

    #296314 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Im sorry you are facing an issue with 7.1. Can you please give us some more information about this issue that would help us help you get up and running. How were you trying to do the update? Did you download 7.1 All in one installer and try setting it up?

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