
a problem about struts!

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  • #219127 Reply


    I want to know why the global forward path’s value and the forward path’s value in the action panel are different!Such as the GlobalException demo,the global forward path’s value is /Login.do,while the forward path’s value is /Login in the action panel!I find that the global forward path’s value and the action path’s value is uniform on the flow modeler !So ,Does the path value associate the global forward with the action?If that is true,please tell me why?I want to know why aren’t they uniform!Thanks for your kind reply!

    #219139 Reply

    Robert Varga

    @snage wrote:

    I want to know why the global forward path’s value and the forward path’s value in the action panel are different!Such as the GlobalException demo,the global forward path’s value is /Login.do,while the forward path’s value is /Login in the action panel!I find that the global forward path’s value and the action path’s value is uniform on the flow modeler !So ,Does the path value associate the global forward with the action?If that is true,please tell me why?I want to know why aren’t they uniform!Thanks for your kind reply!

    This is a mistake I also fell into:

    global forwards and action mappings are two entirely different thing:

    An action mapping appears in a request URL. It defines a specific action class.

    A global forward is different, it is just a name which points to an (internal) url, defined conveniently in one place instead of defining it as a local action-forward in each action mapping. It appears in mapping.findForward() method calls. It has no url semantics. It is in effect an indirection.


    Robert Varga

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