
Accessing Selection(s) of a Select List Menu

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    Accessing Select List Menu Values

    The Select List Menu is implemented with custom HTML for the user interface and a hidden <select> component for managing the selected list values. To access the value or values in the case of a multiselection Select List Menu (SLM) you need to create a javascript function that looks up the hidden HTML <select> component and retrieves its value(s).

    In the following example, my user interface consists of a Select List Menu and a button. The button is configured to call a custom function showMenuSelection() that I created in the project’s slm-custom-action_custom.js file. This function does a quick look up of the hidden <select> control and accesses its values. The values are printed in a javascript alert() dialog.
    See attachment access-slm-values.png

    See attachment slm-custom-action.zip

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