Tools for explicitly managing dependent jars and dependent POJ projects are scheduled for introduction in the MyEclipse 2.8 release. Until then you need to explicitly add dependent jars to an enterprise project and reference them from your module projects. Presently 2.7 updates the application.xml file when a user adds/removes a module project (e.g., web-project or ejb-project) from an enterprise project.
0) myEJBProject depends upon myjar.jar and will be be deployed as part of myEARProject
1) copy myjar.jar into myEARProject
2) add myjar.jar as a ClassPath entry of myEJBProject’s MANIFEST.MF
At this point you have a deployable runtime solution but not an ME compilable solution
3) add myjar.jar to the build-path of myEJBProject
This should compile under MyEclipse
For 2.8 you will be able to specify the jars and POJ (plain old java) projects that an EJB project will dependent and MyEclipse will take care of steps #2 & #3 for you.
I hope this helps.