
add context menu for project redeployment, keyboard actions

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  • #198255 Reply

    Now to redeploy a project (in the case of packaged archive) there is a sequence of 5 clicks:
    1. click the manage deployments button
    2. choose the project to redeploy
    3. choose the server
    4. click redeploy
    5. click ok

    There is a need to streamline this procedure.

    1. add a deploy context menu of the project in package explorer
    2. add redeploy keyboard action that redeployes the project that contains the selected/current file

    #198717 Reply

    I’d ask the same for Starting/Stopping an Application Server with a single click. These buttons would be welcome:
    – Start Tomcat (or whatever App Server)
    – Stop Tomcat
    – Re-start Tomcat

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