
add custom components repository

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  • #279446 Reply

    I am trying to add my custom created calendar component into repository.But the form using the custom components shows error.(ie) shows “invalid” in place of the components.Please let me know if there is a way to add the cusotm component.


    #279452 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste the information here for me.

    Here a quickstart document explaining “Customizing Matisse Palette ”

    Are any errors being logged under <workspace>/.metadata/.log file ?

    #281472 Reply

    Tom Parry

    I am also getting this error. I decided to make a test form and add it to the Matise pallette manager. This appears to work. But after restarting the workspace and then attempting to place the custom form within another form it will not work. Tried both using the mouse as well as the menu add from palette approaches.

    I am using MyEclipse 6.0.1 GA but I use the JDK 1.6_04.

    IS there anything else to do?

    #281478 Reply

    Tom Parry

    @tparry wrote:

    I am also getting this error. I decided to make a test form and add it to the Matise pallette manager. This appears to work. But after restarting the workspace and then attempting to place the custom form within another form it will not work. Tried both using the mouse as well as the menu add from palette approaches.

    I am using MyEclipse 6.0.1 GA but I use the JDK 1.6_04.

    IS there anything else to do?

    I think I solved it by myself:
    During the process of setup the MyEclipse asked for the DT.jat for Matisse. I searched and found the dt.jat in the genuitec lib directory. However I decided to use the dt,jar in the jdk for 1.6_04 instead to see if it would help – and it did.

    So the lesson learned is to check that libs are compatible when you change the VM.

    #281549 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Glad you sorted out this issue.

    #282080 Reply


    Great – this fix also my problem. Thanks !

    #282099 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Your Welcome.

    #283863 Reply


    This message has not been recovered.

    #283879 Reply

    Loyal Water

    This message has not been recovered.

    #283905 Reply


    This message has not been recovered.

    #283927 Reply

    Loyal Water

    This message has not been recovered.

    #285441 Reply


    Finally back on the project again 🙂

    Tried the -clean command, but it didn’t work.
    So I had to move the entire project to a new location 🙁
    But I guess it will break down again in the future and then I have to move it again.

    There must be a registration or file some where either in the the workspace or myeclipse folder, which makes this problem consist.

    But where is it?

    #285503 Reply

    Loyal Water

    -clean is the only way you can fix this. I hope you don’t run into this issue again.

    #286619 Reply


    Same problem again.
    All components on my forms is INVALID.
    And I have done nothing more than viewing forms.

    So my personal conclusion is that MyEclipse can’t replace NetBeans (which was what I was hoping)
    Unless some one have found the cause of this problem or just a quick way to fix it (-clean does not work)

    #286651 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am really sorry you are having such a heck of a time with this problem popping up.

    First let me ask, do all your custom components have no-arg default constructors?

    Also is there any series of events that occur before the project stops working AND does moving it *Every time* fix it for a short while? Seems like some little thing is getting triggered each time that’s killing it.

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