
Add Spring capabilities is not enabled [Closed]

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  • #236750 Reply

    Peter Neil

    Hi, I have just downloaded the latest version of Spring and have an existing project with Spring config files and thought I would try MyEclipse Spring integration to add the spring nature if that is what it does. When I do this the alert says that this option is not enabled?

    #236751 Reply

    Peter Neil

    Sorry, downloaded the latest version of MyEclipse 4 and latest version of Eclipse 3.1, imported an existing spring/hibernate project.

    #236762 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Am I understanding that it is working now?

    #236833 Reply

    Peter Neil

    it still does not work, but I think that may because I was trying to add spring capabilities to a eclipse3.1 java project which was using hibernate3 and spring1.2.4.

    Started a new project added capabilities and moved my code and resources into this project.


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