
Add Struts capabilities to Project Link disabled

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  • #227383 Reply



    I downloaded myeclipse plug-in and eclipse.

    I created a web project, and try to add Struts capabilities to the project, but the link is disabled.

    Is there any configuration I need to do?

    – Murali

    #227436 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you sure the project is a web project? Try opening the project properties, do you see a “MyEclipse-Web” section? If so, what are the two text boxes set to?

    When you try and add Struts capabilities, make sure you are right clicking on the root of the project, not on a sub directory.

    #227474 Reply


    There are a rash of these queries about Struts being unavailable and greyed out in the menu for the current JDK1.5 related releases. I too had this problem (and fixed it as follows). I suspect many people are trying to use the current latest Eclipse release: Milestone 5. As per support responses in other forum mails: the current MyEclipse version 3.8.4forE3.1 only works with Eclipse 3.1M4. Eclipse 3.1M5 breaks it.
    So, if you’re using MyEclipse 3.8.4+QF2-BetaFor3.1, check that your Eclipse version is 3.1M4 not 3.1M5
    Of course there may be another problem, but eliminate this first. M5 just does’t work. Ditch it.


    #227489 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We appreciate you posting your findings, you are correct that this is one of the most predominent reasons for the “grayed out” issue. But I guess people don’t believe us when we say “This download requires 3.1M4 and will not work with any other version” 🙂

    #227878 Reply

    Rubens Gomes

    I was having problems with Add Web Capabilities greyed out. I then installed Eclipse 3.1M4 + MyEclipse 3.8.4+QF2-BetaFor3.1, and the I am still having the same problem. I am running the latest Sun JDK 1.5.0_02 on a Linux SuSE 9.1 PC. I created my project out of a CVS repository. Then, I tried to add web capabiliites, and it is greyed out.


    #227889 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you sure web capabilities are not already added? You can check this by opening up your project properties and llooking ofr a MyEclipse-Web properties panel. If you don’t have this, please paste the results of the Help > About > Configuration Details screen here: Note: Find and remove any line containing the word LICENSE before you paste it.

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