
Add ‘WebProject Caps…’ deletes existing builders [Closed]

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  • #204927 Reply

    Derek Adams

    Choosing ‘MyEclipse->Add WebProject Capabilities’ on a project that has existing builders overwrites them instead of just adding the MyEclipse builders to the list.

    Here is how to replicate:

      1. Open project properties for a project that does not have the MyEclipse webproject nature.
      2. Click on the “Builders” entry on the left.
      3. Click “New” to add a new builder. Choose “Ant Build” and OK, then click OK in the Ant properties dialog. This will create an Ant builder in the build spec.
      4. Right-click on the project. Choose “MyEclipse->Add WebProject Capabilities”. Choose a web root and click OK.
      5. Go back to the project properties under “Builders” and the previous builder has been removed.

    I am guessing the problem is that IProjectDescription.setBuildSpec() is being called with a pre-determined array of build commands rather than adding the new commands as needed.

    Hope that helps!

    #204929 Reply

    Derek Adams

    This seems to happen in all versions of MyEclipse… tried it in the 2.x and 3.x branches…

    #204949 Reply


    Thanks for this report. It has been verified and a problem report entered into our tracking system. We will have a fix available for the next ME release.

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