
Add your own Language IDs and file type extension

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  • #699694 Reply

    Christian Roeper


    we need an option to add our language with a file type extension. The copilot system can support also domain-specific languages (DSL) on a Business account.

    How is this possible?

    #699713 Reply


    Hi Christian,

    > The copilot system can support also domain-specific languages (DSL) on a Business account.

    The language-identifiers included in Copilot4Eclipse are defined here https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/identifiers#_known-language-identifiers. As for adding a new languageId and for GitHub Copilot understanding that language is something I’m not fully aware of at least until the Copilot Enterprise services are fully online.

    Tomorrow we are releasing a 1.0EA4 version of Copilot4Eclipse that has some key fixes before the 1.0 release planned for next week. There is a mechanism in this release that can be used to modify existing languageIdentifier-fileext mapping and for defining a custom languageIdentifier. I will be curious for your results. I’m working on a technical note for how to use this mechanism.

    Also note that Copilot4Eclipse is configured to attach to most Eclipse editors but it is not universally compatible atm. For example if your DSL editor is a complex multi-page editor Copilot4Eclipse may not be able to connect to the text editor page.


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