
Adding a new XML template (MyEclipse 5.1)

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  • #262715 Reply

    Is there already a configuration that can be used to create a Tomcat 5 application context template under WebRoot/META-INF/context.xml?

    If not, can one create one and are there instructions to configure MyEclipse to provide it as a choice?

    #262748 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    MyEclipse doesn’t currently support any application-server-specific generation like this because we support so many application servers. You are certainly welcome to create a context.xml file and it will get deployed along with your project or create one in your app server’s conf dir. But you will need to do that manually.

    #262751 Reply

    I understand why MyEclipse does not support this. My question was rather, has someone done it and if I create the XML template, can I configure MyEclipse to use it.
    Another way to put it, if you leave out the Tomcat issue alltogether, the question is :

    Is it possible to add XML templates (under the advanced category) for say my favorite company specific XML file.


    #262765 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Mario thank you for the clarification, sorry I missed the question on the first time around. You can add or edit the templates by going into the:
    <myeclipse install dir>\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards_5.1.0

    directory. There are the template properties files there and the templates themselves are stored under the templates folder.

    #262787 Reply

    Are there instructions for doing this? Also, if I provided a configuration for a Tomcat context file, would you include it in a future release? If not, how could people get this and installed painlessly if they wanted it (which I believe they would).


    #262792 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Custom templates are not officially supported so the only instructions on how to add new templates is contained inside of the templates file itself (at the top, in the comments).

    Also I’m not sure what a generic context file would look like as each is highly specific to the project so I don’t know how including a default one (say provided by a user) would help another user… maybe I’m misunderstanding you.

    If not, how could people get this and installed painlessly if they wanted it (which I believe they would).

    Are you asking on behalf of our user base or on behalf of your team where the context file would make sense for those applications?

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