
Adding MyEclipse J2EE library container to Ant classpath

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  • #217543 Reply

    Brice Ruth

    Good morning!

    I’m working on a legacy project that wasn’t created with MyEclipse. The project has a build.xml that builds the project. Currently, that build file grabs the locations of jsp-api.jar, servlet-api.jar, and mail.jar from the environment (CATALINA_HOME).

    What I would like to do is re-write the project.class.path element in the Ant build script to use the J2EE 1.4 Library Container provided by MyEclipse. This container has all the JARs (and more) that the project would need.

    Any ideas? I would like to avoid enumerating each element of the Library Container manually in the classpath.

    I’m running on MyEclipse 3.8.2, Eclipse 3.0.1, OS X 10.3.5, on a dual-2GHz G5 w/ 2GB RAM. Tomcat rev is at 5.0.28 and 4.1.31, respectively.

    #217545 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I don’t know that you can do this… when Ant runs, its runs in an external VM that doesn’t have access to the environment variables setup by Eclipse for you to access… I will chekc on this though.

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