- This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 11 months ago by
Udo Held.
The RAD allows to add a shared library for an application and its deployment.
After deployment the project is linked to a WAS shared library.
The behavior RAD feature is described under http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/radhelp/v8/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.servertools.doc/topics/tlibraryv6.html
The WAS feature is described here: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v7r0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/info/ae/ae/tcws_sharedlib.html
In short. You define a shared library. After you deploy an application you can add those libraries to the project. The benefit is that you can deploy the library once and use it in serveral applications. The deployment artefacts get smaller and deployment is faster. Additionally you can use different libraries on different servers.
How can the same behavior achieved with a MyEclipse Maven project?
Kind regards
We do not support shared libraries in our GUI editor right now, however it may be possible to include such support in the future. Nonetheless, you are free to edit appropriate files manually. To simplify the process open application.xml file in ME and choose to display advanced pages – this will generate most of needed files. Then you will need to add entries for shared libs configuration only. The configuration is located under META-INF/ibmconfig directory. All files will be deployed to the server and it will be up to WAS to run EAR with shared libraries.
Best regards,
Piotr TomiakThanks for your update.
I already searched the Advanced pages and found no direct support, however I was unsure if I missed something.
So I essentially have to use the RAD and try to figure out how its working in detail. 🙁
I posted a feature request.
Kind regards
You can use user libraries in MyEclipse. Right click on your project > Build path > Add Library. This would open Add Library wizard. You can select “User Library” or “Maven Managed Dependencies” for MyEclipse Maven project and follow the wizard. These libraries get added to your project build path. These user libraries created can be added to any projects.
Thanks for your update.
Unfortunately this won’t help. We are using some third party library that requires a property file in its classpath. Depending on enviorment it requires different values in the property file. Therefor we don’t want to add it to the project. An alternative would be to place the library in some shared libraries classpath on the server. Not wanting to add it to the global classpath the shared library approach looked good to us.
Kind regards
clavis_uhe -