
Adding Struts 1.1 files into server directory [Closed]

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  • #218794 Reply



    First of all, thanks for helping with my previous posting.
    Your answer sure help me to understand why we should use WebRoot folder( or any other name we choose )and have src folder so that all the source codes will not be in WAR file. It is a great idea!

    Well, I have another question. I have been trying to use “add Struts Capabilities” feature to add Structs jar files and tld files into my project. I notice that it doesn’t work unless I put all struts jar files from <web project>/<web root>/WEB-INF/lib/ folder…….
    into <TOMCAT_INSTALLATION>/common/lib/ folder. I thought Tomcat 5 allow each web application to place STRUCTS jar files under WEB-INF/lib….. Am I missing something?

    I am using WinXP, TOMCAT 5.0, MyEclipse 3.8.2 , J2SDK 1.4.2_06


    #218810 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hi Kevin,
    I’m glad the other post helped:

    I thought Tomcat 5 allow each web application to place STRUCTS jar files under WEB-INF/lib….. Am I missing something?

    Yes you are quite right, the Struts JARs should *not* be placed in the Tomcat5/common/lib folder, as you found out those are a application-specific thing. What problems were you seeing when you just left them in the application’s WEB-INF/lib directory? Let’s try and trouble shoot that first…

    #218842 Reply


    Well it was fixed after I add all the jar files into Tomcat5/common/lib….just out of curiosity, I created new tomcat5 fresh installation folder and deploy the same webapp without add struts jar files into that installation/common/lib folder …and guess what? it is working…. anyway..it is all working now. 🙂

    #218848 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Glad its all working now.

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