
All IPs SAME for Subscription Key [Closed]

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  • #220237 Reply

    Peter Neil

    I recenctly purchased MyEclipse, sometimes when it crashes I have a problem once restarting MyEclipse as it tells me there are too many IPs using the key.

    The only problem is that the keys in the list are,

    #220256 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Can you please send an email to subscriptions@myeclipeside.com? They’ll be able to help you there.

    #220422 Reply

    Peter Neil

    I solved it, I am not used to Linux and run away processes

    #220683 Reply


    I’ve had the same problem, and I think there’s a bug lurking here…

    I got the “licenses exceeded” dialog when only two developers (at different IPs) were accessing myeclipse, but three IP entries in the “current users” list in the dialog: two were for the same IP address (the other developer). The interesting thing is that he said he had two eclipse projects open at the same time — in other words, it would seem that your license-tracking logic counts each project as a separate user. And the dialog appeared when I tried to open a second project in my eclipse session (bringing the total used-license-count to 4, where our limit is apparently 3).

    Maybe this is intentional, but unless you specifically intend that one license-user be occupied for each (user x open project) pair (which sounds unreasonable to me), it sounds like you have a license-tracking bug to me.

    #222030 Reply

    Thomas SMETS

    I have been working with Myeclipse for a few days now and I bought the licence 10 days ago… I suddently started to have the following :

    Subscriber Id: tsmets
    OS is Linux MDK 10.0 running myEclipse 3.8.3 on Eclipse 3.0.x

    What can I do to stop this stupid pop-up … ?


    #222038 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Is it correct that is definately your Linux box? It appears that at some point two instances of the workbench were run
    and different IP’s were reported by each instance. The easiest thing to do to resolve the issue is simply restart MyEclipse. If the problem
    reoccurs and you can tell us what set of steps triggered it, please send an email referencing this thread and the details to our
    support@genuitec.com and we’ll be glad to look into it further.

    #222041 Reply

    Thomas SMETS

    True …
    After closing Eclipse I did a ps

    [tsmets@calvin DemoXDoclet]$ ps auxww | grep java | grep eclipse
    tsmets    5623  0.0  7.6 551068 69632 ?      S    02:59   0:18 /opt/IBMJava2-141/bin/java -cp /opt/eclipse/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86 -showsplash /opt/eclipse/eclipse -showsplash 600 -exitdata /opt/eclipse/eclipse -exitdata 228004 -data /home/tsmets/workspace -vm /opt/IBMJava2-141/bin/java -vmargs -cp /opt/eclipse/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main

    Normally the .lock file inthe .metadata forlder should have prevented that ….

    If I get a similar problem I will keep support posted…


    ps :
    I since then read the BB and found that eclipse could be started with the -clean option…
    My start up script is now :

    /opt/eclipse/eclipse -clean -data ~/workspace 

    Since then no more problem but … wait and see

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