
Alternate Resin 3 webapp deployment directory

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  • #224334 Reply

    I am using resin 3.0.10, eclipse 3.0.1 and MyEclipse 3.8.3.

    I want to deploy my Web app. to a web app. deployment directory that is not located under the resin home directory. I have resin configured to use this alternate deployment directory.

    I could not find a configuration option in MyEclipse where I could specify the alternate location. I did specify my alternate resin.conf file though. How do I configure this alternate directory or is MyEclipse suppose to figure it out from the resin.conf file?


    #224360 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I could not find a configuration option in MyEclipse where I could specify the alternate location.

    When you are setting up a deploying, from the dropdown select “Custom Location”.

    #224433 Reply

    Thanks. I see it.

    What is the difference between an exploded archive and a packaged archive? What difference does it make when you are developing a Web app.?


    #224443 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Exploded archive is a direct copy of your files in your proejct to the app server. This also ENABLES hotsync (real-time syncing of changed files to your app server).

    Some app servers do not support exploded deployment (like Websphere and I think WebLogic).

    Packaged deployment is a packaged (WAR, EAR, etc.) deployment of your project into the app server. From there the app server can uncompess and deploy the application or some will likely wait for you to login to the console and deploy the app yourself.

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