
An SWT error has occurred.

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  • #263175 Reply



    I’ve been getting an Internal error in MyEclipse 5.1 in the last two days after working in my workspace for a period of time, whatever I click on I will get that message. The only way to get rid of that message is to exit MyEclipse and restart it. This has happened before, I ended up re-installing MyEclipse to fix the problem. What can I do to correct the problem and prevent this from happening again? Thank you.

    The message goes something like this:

    An SWT error has occurred.
    You are recommended to exit the workbench.
    subsequnet errors may happen and may terminate the workbench without warning.
    See the .log file for more details.

    Do you want to exit the workbench?

    #263268 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It sounds like a memory issue, either heap or permgen space… what do your startup args look like? Also do you specify args on the command line or in the eclipse.ini file? Eclipse will only honor one or the other.

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