
android – how to access element out of iframe?

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  • #347370 Reply


    H can I access an element out of iframe? I created an iframe on a page and would like to hide or show a button on the page from iframe. I have tried:
    var b = parent.document.getElementById(‘m1-registerNewAccountFB-pushContinue’);

    it works on the simulator, but does not work on real android device. I did some research and realized that parent on simulator is a Window class but on Android is DOM Window class. Any idea how I can access parent?

    #347371 Reply


    Before investigating how to manipulate iframe elements have you confirmed that the expected level of interaction is working correctly, e.g., tap, scrolling, …? I recall that users on ios have been surprised by the iframe touch model performs terribly for setting focus, frame sizing and touch interaction.

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